Artificial Intelligence

How AI Can Help In A Recession

Global Economy Shrinking Dramatically Graphic

This recession is deeper and more sudden than any other we have experienced. While we would all prefer this recession be a short one, that is currently unlikely. A deep and prolonged recession puts tremendous pressure on CEOs and Boards of all but the most fortunate companies.  Let’s assume this recession will last longer than … Read more

COVID-19 And Unemployment: The Robots Are Coming

CloudMinds Scientists

Within the US, we are experiencing an increase in COVID-19 cases and the loss of permanent jobs. While the June employment numbers look very promising (the number of jobs increased by 4.8 million), they hide two important factors. The first is that these numbers came out just before the explosion in cases. The second is … Read more

Why Are Technology Companies Quitting Facial Recognition?

Facial Recognition Software Representation Graphic

IBM just got out of the business of facial recognition software. Microsoft and Amazon have limited what they are doing with facial recognition with law enforcement agencies. Facebook paid a $550 Million settlement related to their facial recognition technology. What is going on? These companies are reacting wisely to the potential for bias and the … Read more

Environmental Sustainability and AI

Two Hands Holding a Plant and a Globe

(A version of this article appeared in the NACD Directorship publication) As a board member, you’re likely aware of the many strategic opportunities and threats posed by AI. According to IDC, spending on AI hardware and software is increasing at a CAGR of 24%. AI-driven projects will rapidly become a substantial percentage of any company’s … Read more

McKinsey’s AI Survey: Highlights for Boards, Business Leaders

McKinsey Insights Logo

I am a big believer in the impact of AI and am an advocate for board members and senior executives to get educated and take action now.  McKinsey conducted a global survey of more than 2,000 executives to understand the current state of AI in business and highlight what the top performing companies are doing. … Read more